As of May 1, 2023
Provided over $85,000,000
in small business loans
85% of loans have been made to companies owned by entrepreneurs of color
Over 5,000 jobs were created or retained in the City of Detroit
A Message From
Mayor Duggan
75th Mayor, City of Detroit
"Since we announced the fund, 180 loans to entrepreneurs of color have closed, at a total value of nearly $18 Million... these loans have helped small businesses create nearly 1,900 new jobs in Detroit and retain nearly 1,000 more."
Whether you're a prospective business owner, entrepreneur, or just plain curious, we'll help you get where you need to be. Here's how we can help.
Pictured: Brightly Twisted
Providing financing, training, and consulting services to businesses owned by entrepreneurs of color that primarily hire people of color. Read some of our success stories or apply for a loan.
Pictured: Walker-Miller Energy Services
DDF helped us to avoid looking for investors and helped us stay afloat in the process."